Troubleshoot: Pipeline Not Attaching to Facebook Group (Update Pipeline Details)

Is your GroupTrack Pipeline not attaching properly to your Facebook Group? First, try refreshing the page to allow GroupTrack to reestablish the connection with your group.

If your group still isn't showing the pipeline connection when you hover your mouse over the "i" on the sidebar, you may need to edit your pipeline details.

You can change the name of your Facebook group and it will NOT mess anything up! However, if you change the URL (web address), you will need to update the registration of this Group in GroupTrack.

Note: Once your group has over 5000 members you cannot change the URL (this is a Facebook Rule)

Would you like some guidance on how to name your group so you attract the right people? Click the link HERE for a quick training on "How to Attract The Right People to Your Group" by selecting a clear name and purpose

How to update pipeline URL for your group:

If you have attached a pipeline to a Facebook group and you change the URL, you will have to also update the URL linked within your pipeline settings. To do this, start by going to Setup --> Pipelines in the left-side menu bar

Using the dropdown, select the group-connected pipeline you want to modify. Then, on the General tab, click the blue "Edit" button in the lower right corner of the screen. You may have to scroll down to see it. 

If you need additional assistance, please reach out to the GroupTrack support team at [email protected]

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