GroupTrack AI

Introducing GroupTrack AI: Revolutionizing Authentic Connections

At GroupTrack, we're dedicated to facilitating genuine human connections on a scale that transforms businesses and brands. With our innovative GroupTrack AI feature, we're reshaping the landscape of organic social media engagement by seamlessly integrating AI into every aspect of your online presence.

Our mission is simple: to empower you to extend your presence, voice, and brand essence across every interaction, effortlessly.

Here's how it works:

  1. Tailored Message Templates: Say goodbye to generic responses. Our AI analyzes your brand identity and audience, crafting personalized message templates that resonate with your voice and align with your goals. Each template is carefully curated to suit your unique business needs and is designed to enhance engagement while maintaining authenticity.
  2. Best Next Message Recommendations: Ever wondered what the perfect follow-up message should be? Wonder no more. GroupTrack AI leverages your objectives, past interactions, and CRM data to suggest the most effective next message. Whether you're nurturing leads or guiding prospects through your sales pipeline, our AI ensures every communication is purposeful and impactful.
  3. Post Tracker Replies (Coming Soon): Stay ahead of the curve with our upcoming feature that generates tailored responses for post tracker jobs. By analyzing original post content and user information, GroupTrack AI crafts authentic replies that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful conversations.

How to Set Up your GroupTrack AI

  1. If not already on Pro Tier of GroupTrack, open the billing page and upgrade!!
  2. Set Up Your Persona!!
    1. On left hand side, click SET UP
    2. On left hand side, click AI
    3. From here, the NEXT button to walk through the prompts.

d. The first thing it will ask you to fill out is information about your BUSINESS

e. Next it will ask questions about your BRAND

f. Now it's time to answer questions about your MARKET

Next, you will fill out information about specific pipelines and stages within.

  • Select the pipeline of your choice from the drop down.
  • Fill in the description of the pipeline. The more information you can provide about the PURPOSE of the pipeline, the better.
  • Provide a description for each stage in the pipeline. Why are they there? What happens in this stage? This information will help GroupTracks AI provide you with the best message templates!
  • Once complete, press SAVE Button at the bottom!

g. Now its time to tell GroupTracks AI about your PERSONALITY

  • First, specify if you are filling this out about YOU or a TEAM member
  • Then drop your Myers Brigg Type Indicator MBTI® or NERIS® Type (optional)
  • Then pick the Top 3 PEARSON-MARR Archetype Indicator™ identities you most relate to:

Press the FINISH button to save all changes!!! You have now completed the set up of your GroupTrack AI!

How to USE your GroupTrack AI

Now that you have set up your customized AI assistant, it's ready to be put to work!

  1. Scenario 1: You are setting up your Pipeline and would like to create message templates that are relevant to the stages.
    1. Open Webapp
    2. Click Set Up from left side
    3. Click Pipelines from left side
    4. Click on the dropdown to select the Pipeline you want to make message templates for
    5. Click Messages from the left
    6. Create New Message Template. Give it a name
    7. Click the AI icon on the right side to have GroupTrack's AI make a message for you.
    8. Ensure you like the message!!

  1. Scenario 2: You are on a contact card and want to send a message but are not sure what to say next.

    1. In this instance, utilize NEXT BEST MESSAGE feature to get assistance on what to say!
    2. From Contact card, click Button SEND MESSAGE OR MESSAGE TEMPLATE
    3. From the message dropdowns, cick AI-Generated, Best Next Message

New AI feature just released!~

Scenario 3: You want GroupTracks AI to compose a Message for you based on a prompt you provide. Anyone use ChatGPT to generate one-off messages to send to clients or prospects? Maybe an ice-breaker or a response to a random question?

Are you tired of telling ChatGPT "you are a [describe yourself and the context of the message]..." over and over to try to get non-generic responses?

Try our new "Compose With Prompt" feature when sending your next message to a contact!

Describe what you want to say, and let GroupTrack's AI generate a message for you with your business, your brand, your voice, and the current recipient context built in!

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