Create & Send Message Template

Tips for sending messages:

In this article we will show you how to 1) Create a Message Template; and 2) Send a Message Template from the Webapp and in Facebook™ using the GroupTrack Side-Drawer. You'll find step  by step written instructions as well as a video showing the entire process (scroll down to the bottom of this article) 

Step 1: Create Message Template In Webapp 

Two Types of Message Templates

  1. Pipeline Connected Message Template: These message coincide with a specific pipeline 
    1. Open the Webapp at 
    2. Click Manage Pipelines and Select the Pipeline in which you'd like to create the message template to go with 
    3. Click on "Message Templates" 
    4. Click on the green button "Add New Template" to create your messages! 
    5. Click here for help with formatting your templates with variations:
  2. Global Message Template: These message are independent (not related to) from a pipeline 
    1. Open the Webapp at 
    2. Click the side panel tab called "Messages
    3. Click on "Message Templates" 
    4. Click on the green button "Add New Template" to create your messages! 
    5. Click here for help with formatting your templates with variations:

Step 2: Send Message Template 

Now that you've created a few messages, it's time to send them! 

  1. Send from WebApp:
    1. Open the Webapp at
    2. Click on the "All Contacts" tab on the left panel. 
    3. Click on a contact to open their profile card 
    4. Click "Send Message or Message Template" 
    5. Select the Template you wish to send, or write a new message then! 
    6. Once you've edited the message, press send
  2. Send from the GroupTrack Sidebar while looking at the contact in Facebook™
    1. Open Facebook™ 
    2. Find the contact you wish to send the message to
    3. Hover over their name to pull them up in the GroupTrack Sidebar 
    4. Click "Send Message or Message Template" 
    5. Select the Template you wish to send, or write a new message then! 
    6. Once you've edited the message, press send

For a video walkthrough, check out the video here:

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