Bulk Messaging on Instagram Pro

Bulk Messaging on Instagram is available on Instagram Pro or Meta Pro Tiers.

In this article we'll walk you through the steps of setting up your Bulk Message Queue and sending your first messages! 

Step 1: Configure your Bulk Messaging Settings

  1. Open Webapp (app.grouptrackcrm.com)
  2. Click on the "Messages" tab on the left side panel
  3. On the first tab along the top "Message Templates", create the message template you would like to send to recipients, in bulk! Click Here for training on how to create a message template.
  4. Once you've created your message template, click the second tab along the top called "Bulk Messaging" 
  5. Complete all of the configuration settings before starting your INSTAGRAM queue. 
    1. Review the terms of using Bulk Messaging. 
      1. Please note: You'll want to set up your messages to mimic the number you TYPICALLY send per day. If you set this to send too many messages, too fast, you'll likely end up in Instagramâ„¢ Jail for a while.

    1. Select a Delay Between Messages. This determines how long GroupTrack will pause between messages. A random delay will be chosen within the range you select.
    2. Select a "coffee break" duration and frequency. This determines how often and for how long GroupTrack will take additional, longer pauses. A random delay will be chosen within the ranges you select.
    3. Select the Maximum Messages per Day. Once this limit has been reached, GroupTrack will not send any more messages until the following day. The daily message limit is counted from midnight.
    4. Enter a value for Pause After How Many Failed Messages. This determines how many send failures GroupTrack can handle before Pausing the queue and requiring you to manually restart it.
    5. Enter a Daily Start Hour. GroupTrack will begin processing messages at this time.
    6.  Enter a Daily End Hour. GroupTrack will stop processing messages at this time.
    7. Click Start Messaging Queue. The page will refresh and the queue will be active.

  • Step 2: Send Bulk Messages! 

    Now that you've created the message template and configured your Instagram Bulk Messaging Settings, it's time to send your messages to many! 

      1. Open Webapp (app.grouptrackcrm.com
      2. Click on "All Contacts" from the left side panel 
      3. Using Advanced Filters, select the contacts that you'd like to receive the bulk messages (For training on how to use Advanced filters, click here)
      4. Click "Bulk Action" and then select "Send Message" 
      5. Select the message template you'd like to send.  (You'll see a sample of the message you selected, in the "Sample Message" section. 
      6. Select Send VIA: Instagram DM
      7. Add Message to Top or Bottom of Queue? This just allows you to push message to the front or back of the line. 
      8. Send from: At this time, all message will be send from the person who starts the queue. In the future we'll be enable others to send for you! 
      9. Select People (This page or All Pages) 
      10. Click Process
      11. NOTES: Makes sure you:
        1. Keep your computer open (not asleep) and the GroupTrack tabs open
          1. Do not close the "pop up tabs" that will open as messages start sending. 
          2. The start button was pressed! 
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