How To: Send Bulk Messages

A step-by-step guide to efficiently send bulk messages to your contacts.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Before You Begin
  3. Steps to Send Bulk Messages
  4. Important Notes and Tips
  5. Why This Process is Important
  6. Additional Resources
  7. Version History



This article explains how to send bulk messages using GroupTrack CRM’s Web App. Bulk messaging allows you to save time by sending personalized messages to multiple contacts simultaneously, leveraging your pre-configured message templates and settings.


This guide is intended for all GroupTrack CRM Pro tier users who have set up message templates and bulk messaging settings and want to send messages efficiently.

Before You Begin

Ensure you have:

  1. Created and configured a Message Template.
  2. Set up your Bulk Messaging Settings.
  3. Familiarized yourself with Advanced Filters to segment your contacts effectively.

Steps to Send Bulk Messages

Queue Messages from Pipeline or Table View

  1. Open the Web App:
  2. Access Contacts:
    • Click on "Pipeline View" or "Table View" from the left-hand panel.
    • Use Advanced Filters to select the contacts you want to receive the bulk messages.
    • Click on the boxes next to the contact to select them
  3. Initiate Bulk Messaging:
    • Click "Bulk Action" and select "Send Message".
click bulk actions in the top right corner
select send message from the drop down menu
    • Choose a Message Template:
    • Select the message template you’d like to send.
    • Review the "Sample Message" section to see a preview of the message template.
click the box that says Template to choose your message template
    • Add Message to Queue:
    • Click Run Bulk Action to add those messages to your message queue

Queue a Message from a Contact Profile

  1. Open a contact's profile (either in the web app or from the sidebar in Facebook/Messenger
  2. Click the blue box to send a message
  3. Choose a template and click Add to Queue
click send a message from a contact profile
select the message template and click Add to Queue

View Your Queued Messages

Click on Conversations to view your queued messages

While messages are sending, you will see a Facebook Queue Processor window open up in the background. Keep this open to ensure your messages are sending. You can refresh and reset the next send time on this window as needed.

Important Notes and Tips

  • Keep Your Computer Active: Ensure your computer stays on (not asleep) and that the GroupTrack tabs remain open during the sending process.
  • Do Not Close Pop-Up Tabs: Messages will open in pop-up tabs as they are being sent. Closing these tabs will interrupt the sending process.
  • Monitor the Process: Once you press the start button, monitor the process to ensure all messages are successfully sent.

Why This Process is Important

Sending bulk messages allows you to efficiently communicate with multiple contacts while maintaining a personal touch through message templates. This streamlined process saves time and ensures consistent outreach, enabling you to engage and nurture leads effectively.

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