Training: How to Save a Chat Snapshot (Save Messenger Conversations)

Did you know you can save a "snapshot" of BOTH sides of a Messenger conversation to GroupTrack as Global Feed "Social Messages" entries?

Why would I use this?

GroupTrack already logs outbound messages to the Global Activity Feed, but there are times when it would be very useful to also include responses and further conversation to the CRM. This is especially true on a Team.

Imagine you have Setters who are working prospects through your Pipeline using their personal FB account, and they get to the point of booking a call with you, the Coach. By saving a snapshot of their personal conversation to the CRM, you now have more context when getting on that call.

How it works

  • For the current conversation, scroll up until all of the message history you want to capture is visible
  • Click the GroupTrack stage dropdown button in the chat conversations list on the left

  • Click "Save Chat Snapshot"
  • Enter the number of messages you want to capture and press "OK"
  • Each individual message will be captured and recorded as a "Social Messages" Activity Feed entry in the Global Feed (specifically a "FB Messenger" activity type)
  • Messages that have already been captured will not be duplicated
  • Inbound messages will be colored grey with the chat bubble pointing to the left, and the entry will show the name of the person who sent the message in the "Added by" line below
  • Outbound messages will be colored blue with the chat bubble pointing to the right, and will show the name of the Team Member who sent it

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